•University of Minnesota Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Award
•National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Trainee (IGERT) Fellowship
•University of Minnesota Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship
•Co-Chair and Organizer, Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar on Plasma Processing Science ( Student-
organized and student-oriented research seminar)
New London, N.H.
July 2010
Helped to organize and lead this abbreviated scientific conference for graduate students, post-doctoral
fellows, and young scientists in advance of Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing
•Nano Days Exhibitor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
April 2010
Outreach program for middle- and high-school students
•Scientist Presenter, Bakken Museum, Minneapolis, MN
July 2008
Nanoforum for children and adults
Presentation topic: Nanotechnology for alternative energy
•Guest Lecturer, Carleton College Physics Department, Northfield, MN
May 2008
Seminar Series “What Physicists Do”
Presentation: “Photoluminescent Silicon Nanoparticles for Global Challenge Applications”
•Scientist presenter, Science Museum of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Nanoforums for public audiences:
Presentation topics: Nanotechnology applications in medicine
Societal and ethical implications of nanotechnology
Nanotechnology in alternative energy solutions
•Guest Presenter, Science Museum of Minnesota St. Paul, MN
July 2007
NanoCamp: Presented to children about nanoscience, led concept demonstration activities
•Scientist Presenter, Bell Museum of Natural History Minneapolis, MN
March 2007
Café Scientifique: Presented on nanotechnology to an adult audience
•Volunteer Demonstrator, Science Museum of Minnesota St. Paul, MN
March 2006
Strange Matter Exhibit: Led demonstration activities about polymer materials
•Tour leader and assistant, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Summers 2006, 2007
MN FIRST LEGO League: Explained plasma technology and photoluminescence to children, led
department tours
Additional Activities:
Mentor to Undergraduate Research Assistants
•Introduced students to the graduate research laboratory
•Instructed students in strategies for effective experiment planning
•Mentored students in execution of their research experiments
Liaison to the Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
•Arranged recruitment events for prospective students
•Led discussions on student life for prospective and new students
•Organized and participated in the Graduate Student Round Table discussion
•Presented to fellow Ph.D. students on the qualifying exam process
•Coordinated women’s and social events among the Mechanical Engineering graduate students